Pilots and Naval Flight Officers 75

Naval Flight Officer – 7578 (Student)

Naval Flight Officers (NFOs) operate the advanced weapons and electronic systems on board F/A-18 Hornets and EA-6B Prowlers. The division of labor between the pilot and the NFO allows the pilot to focus on flying the aircraft and the NFO to focus on the weapons systems. The NFO often has the best situational awareness of the battlefield, and at times leads entire aviation missions.

Aviation Preflight Indoctrination
Pensacola, FL
6 weeks

Primary Flight Training
FL, TX or OK
22 weeks

Advanced Flight Training
Pensacola, FL
14-49 weeks

Flight Student – 7599

Fixed-wing Pilot

Marine Fixed-wing Pilots fly some of the most advanced aircraft in the world. These officers perform essential functions of Marine Aviation—assault support, anti-air warfare, offensive air support, electronic warfare, control of aircraft and missiles, and aerial reconnaissance—to support missions around the world.

Aviation Preflight Indoctrination
Pensacola, FL
6 weeks

Primary Flight Training
FL, TX or OK
22 weeks

Advanced Flight Training
TX, MS or FL
14 – 49 weeks

Rotary/Tilt Rotor Pilot

Marine Rotary-wing and Tilt-rotor Pilots fly aircraft in coordination with ground forces to execute the missions of the Marine Corps. These officers and the aircraft they command may be ship-based or shore-based. Tilt-rotor Pilots’ missions mirror that of Rotary-wing Pilots, combining transport capability with speed capability similar to that of Fixed-wing Pilots.

Aviation Preflight Indoctrination
Pensacola, FL
6 weeks

Primary Flight Training
22 weeks

Advanced Flight Training
Whiting Field, FL
27–44 weeks

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