Upon completion of the Naval ROTC program, you will be commissioned as either an Ensign in the United States Navy or a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. Below is a list of different communities and specialties you can pursue as one of the newest commissioned officers in the United States Naval service.
Navy Officer Communites
Marine Officer Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) List
The following list focuses mainly on the designators you can receive coming out of The Basic School. In some cases, your designator may be slightly different until you finish your MOS school. For example, as a Communications Officer you will be an 0601 (Basic Communications Officer) until you finish the course at which point you will be an 0602.

Adjutant Officer – 0180

Intelligence Officer – 02

Infantry Officer – 0302

Logistics Officer – 0402

Communications Officer – 0602

Field Artillery Officer – 0802

Combat Engineer Officer – 1302

Tank Officer – 1802

AAV Officer – 1803

Ground Supply Officer – 3002

Financial Management Officer – 3404

Public Affairs Officer – 4302

Military Police Officer – 5803

Aviation Supply Officer – 6602

Aviation Command & Control – 72